Hey! How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I hope you all had moist delicious turkey at your dinner table this past Thursday since my family opted out the roasted bird for... hot pot. (/sadface) No worries though, as I saved our traditional non-traditional family gathering with pumpkin pie, recipe stolen straight from the pumpkin puree can.
Not only did I cheat with the recipe, but yeah, if you couldn't tell by the impeccably perfect crimping of the pie crust, I cheated on that too. I guess I deserve that giant crack in the middle of my pie.
Post-food consisted of an hour long game of Monopoly and the discovery of this at my friends house:
AN ACTUAL N64 CARTRIDGE OF THE INFAMOUS SUPERMAN 64. This is probably no big deal to most you, but I find joy in having the ability to say I've physically touched an ancient relic.
Speaking of games, (segue)
SMASH!!! It had arrived to my humble home on Wednesday and I got to spend most of my Thanksgiving playing, instead of frantically preparing food (since that is not job yet). I had the entire weekend to play, too. YAS. Here's to hoping I get better with using Villager and Megaman since I was excited for those two the most.
Anyway, this is kinda the end of this post! I haven't really had many posts for November except for those two I got out in the beginning of the month. Shit has been crazy (at least crazy by my standards. I live a boring life) for me this month. I must have had a lot of energy to write this post - blogging was on the bottom of my priorities recently but it feels good to be doing this right now.
Alright, hopefully my next post won't be in the year 2016! Again, I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving weekend and are ready to welcome December (and justified 24/7 holiday music)!!!